State of Human Rights Report


The State of Human Rights in Nigeria 2018 Report is produced pursuant to Section 5(c) of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Act 1995 (as amended) which obligates the Commission to publish and submit from time to time, to the President, National Assembly, Judiciary, States and Local Governments report on the state of human rights promotion and protection in Nigeria.

This Report is a part of the series produced since 2006 maiden publication. It builds on experience garnered over the years. It is a reflection of pattern and nature of complaints received by the Commission in the Headquarters and State offices within the year under review.

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The State of Human Rights in Nigeria (2016-2017) Report is produced pursuant to Section 5(c) of the NHRC Act 1995 (as amended) which obligates the Commission to publish and submit from time to time, to the President, National Assembly, Judiciary, states and local governments report on the state of human rights promotion and protection in Nigeria.".

The Report is part of the series produced since 2006 maiden publication and builds on experience garnered over the years. While this publication does not completely contain all the various range of human rights issues, it is a reflection of pattern and nature of complaints received by the Commission in the headquarters and field offices within the years under review. The complaints are disaggregated according to thematic areas. The report covers Civil and Political Rights as well as Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. It also contains Reports in areas of Terrorism and Inter-Communal Conflict, Election and Political Participation, Niger Delta and the Environment amongst others. These are captured under different human rights issue-areas such as Right to Life, Right to Dignity of the Human Person and freedom from Torture, inhuman and degrading punishment; Right to Freedom from Discrimination, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Right to Work and Right to Health, Education and Shelter among others.”.

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The State of Human Rights in Nigeria 2015 Report, produced by the National Human Rights Commission (Commission), is the 5th in the series of this comprehensive publication since its maiden issue in 2001. Every year that the report is published certain aspects are improved on from prior years.

In the 2015 report the Commission refined the streamlined format developed in the 2011-2012 report in order to place more emphasis on the Commission’s recommendations on how to improve the protection of human rights and thematic areas of concern. In so doing, this report is far more than a record of what occurred during the year under review, but also a proscriptive document providing a torchlight on the way forward.

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The State of Human Rights in Nigeria 2013-14 Report (SHR), produced by the national Human Rights Commission (Commission), is the 5th in the series of this comprehensive publication since its maiden edition in 2006.

Each year that the report is published, there are improvements. The 2013-2014 report is a collation of human rights situations reported in 2013 and 2014. In this report, each chapter highlights reports received at the Commission, those monitored and reported by monitors in the field and reports monitored using the media.

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